Thursday, July 5, 2018

Get Back on the Horse as Fast as You Can

Trainig Update:

My training is going well. I am getting to the gym three or four days per week and running, walking, biking, or swimming every day. I'd like to be getting to the gym five or six days a week, but just can't seem to manage it. I'm hoping that the volume of resistance training that I am getting is sufficient to meet my goals. 

I have started to use branched chain amino acids throughout my workouts and, although it may be a strong placebo affect, it seems as though my energy levels and work capacity has improved. 

I am also continuing to work on my sprint starts and they seem to be getting a little better; a little less awkward.

Competition update

I am a little less confident that I am going to be prepared for the pro bodybuilding contest on August 4. I am leaner than I have been since I retired 18 months ago, but I don't know that I can get into true contest shape by the appointed date.

I'm still planning on doing the Maryland senior games in mid August, but have not made the move to actually enter at this point. I need to get to a local track and actually practice some of the distances I have ear marked and practice jumps on a sandpit.

Tip of the week:

Accept that you are never going to be perfect. Continue to work as hard as you can, but be patient with yourself when you don't meet the mark. Just get back on the proverbial horse and try to do better the next hour and the next day. Most importantly, when you do falter, don't give in to the "what the hell "phenomenon and just give up. How quickly you can get back on track with exercise, eating correctly, or getting sufficient rest is more important than whether or not you periodically falter.