Training Update:
Training went well this week and I completed all of my scheduled workouts, except for Tuesday morning. Look at "The Tip of the Week" to see what transpired. My diet was on-point and I continued to reduce body fat without sacrificing any, strength, energy, or lean mass.
Looking towards some track competition, I did a few sprint starts after my run on Monday. It has been quite a while since injuries have allowed be to attempt such a rapid acceleration, so it felt a bit awkward. The only way to go is up.
Competition Update:
I have picked out both a track meet and swim meet to target. The Maryland Senior games are holding their track meet, here locally, on 18 August and I aim to do both a couple of sprints and jumps. As well, the games will be holding their swim meet, nearby, in early September. It gives me the whole Summer to prepare.
Tip of the Week:
Did not make it to the gym Tuesday morning, so resorted to my "If, Then" strategy. If I don't make it to
the gym, then I will take a long bike ride.. If the weather does not allow cycling, then I will take an
extra long walk.
I recommend "If, Then" strategies for both working out and sticking to your nutritional plans. If I can'
break away for lunch, then I will eat mixed nuts and an apple, for example.
Have plans and actually practice them periodically so that they become second nature. No one is
perfect, but having a plan keeps you from faltering too badly and staying on track.